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Xiong Hang Dr. Prof. 熊航教授
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Xiong, Hang Prof. Dr. 熊航教授


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2019.10 至今    华中农业大学宏观农业研究院副院长

2019.10 至今    华中农业大学经济管理学院农业大数据与智慧农业研究所所长

2018.10 至今    华中农业大学宏观农业研究院“农业系统建模”团队PI

2018.10 至今    华中农业大学经济管理学院经济学教授

2017.01–2018.09  瑞士苏黎世联邦理工大学(ETH Zurich)农业经济与政策研究所研究员

2016.07–2017.12  英国伦敦国王学院(King's College London)计算地理研究所副研究员

2015.09–2016.06  爱尔兰都柏林大学(University College London)Geary研究院研究助理、博士后

2006.05–2009.08  长江大学国际学院双语教师


2011.09–2016.03  都柏林大学计算社会科学(Computational Social Science)博士

2009.09–2011.06  长江大学管理学硕士

2002.06–2006.06  华中农业大学经济学学士



  1. Huber, R., Xiong H., Keller, K., and Finger R., 2021, Bridging behavioural factors and standard bio-economic modelling in an agent-based modelling framework, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 00:1–29

  2. Xiong, H., Dalhaus, T., Wang, P., and Huang, J., 2020. Blockchain Technology for Agriculture: Applications and Rationale. Frontiers in Blockchain, 3, 7.

  3. Xiong, H., Payne, D. and Kinsella, S., 2018. Identifying Mechanisms Underlying Peer Effects on Multiplex Networks. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 21(4), 6.

  4. Huber, R., Bakker, M., Balmann, A., Berger, T., Bithell, M., Brown, C., Grêt-Regamey, A., Xiong, H. et al., 2018. Representation of decision-making in European agricultural agent-based models. Agricultural Systems, 167, 143-160.

  5. Xiong, H., Millington, J. and Xu, W., 2018. Trade in the telecoupling framework: Evidence from the metals industry. Ecology and Society, 23(1), 11.

  6. Xiong, H., Wang, P. and Bobashev, G., 2018. Multiple Peer Effects in the Diffusion of Innovations on Social Networks: A Simulation Study. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 7, 5.

  7. Millington, J., Xiong, H., Peterson, S. and Woods, J., 2017. Integrating Modelling Approaches for Understanding Telecoupling: Global Food Trade and Local Land Use. Land, 6(3), 56.

  8. Cai, J. and Xiong, H., 2017. An agent-based simulation of cooperation in the use of irrigation systems. Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling, 5, 9.

  9. Xiong, H. and Payne, D., 2017. Characteristics of Chinese Rural Network: Evidence from Villages in Central China. Chinese Journal of Sociology, 3(1), 74-97.

  10. Xiong, H., Payne, D. and Kinsella, S., 2016. Peer Effects in the Diffusion of Innovations: Theory and Simulation. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 63, 1-13.

  11. Xiong, H., Kinsella, S. and Payne, D., 2016. The Self-Enforcing Agreement in Cooperative Teams: An Agent-Based Modelling Approach. Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling, 4, 21.

  12. Xiong, H., Xiong, P. and Xiong, H., 2016. Kinship Network Generator: A Tool for Converting Kinship Ties into Adjacency Matrices. Journal of Open Research Software, 4(1).

  13. Xiong, H., Wang, P. and Zhu, Y., 2016. Diffusion on social networks: Survey Data from Rural Villages in Central China. Data in Brief, 7, 546–550.


  1. 胡晨,黄华霖,熊航,贾铖,农户技术采纳行为的影响因素:基于2000—2019年典型实证研究的元分析,世界农业,2020(12):48-59.

  2. 郑雪静,熊航,区块链如何促进数据要素的价值实现:以食品供应链为例,农业大数据学报,2020(03):13-20.

  3. 汪普庆,瞿翔,熊航,汪志广,区块链技术在食品安全管理中的应用研究,农业技术经济,2019 (09):82-90.

  4. 李律成,Petra Ahrweiler,熊航,新熊彼特主义视角下基于主体的计算经济学研究,经济学动态,2017 (7) :137-147.

  5. 蔡晶晶,熊航,基于主体的灌溉合作行为形成机制研究,农业技术经济,2016(7):46-60.

  6. 汪普庆,熊航,瞿翔,陈村子,供应链的组织结构演化与农产品质量安全——基于NetLogo的计算机仿真,农业技术经济,2015(8):64-72.

  7. 李静,熊航,我国食品价格变动的属性特征——基于1996~2010年季度数据的实证分析,经济管理,2011(3):1-7.

  8. 黎东升,熊航,基于主要国家截面数据的虚拟水进口影响因素实证分析,生态经济, 2011(6):80-83.

  9. 黎东升,熊航,唐荣胜,基于层次分析法的农产品虚拟水贸易实施条件评价,农业技术经济,2010(9):80-89.

  10. 熊航,吕晓,刘新平,武汉市新洲区耕地数量变化驱动机制分析,资源开发与市场,2007(23):298-302.

  11. 熊航,农产品贸易中虚拟水要素的比较优势分析,对外经贸实务,2007(2):25-28.

  12. 熊航,易法海,李争,武汉市蔬菜流通效益分析,农村经济与科技,2005(8):22-24.


  1. Dukalskis A., Elkink, J. A.and Xiong, H., Simulating Defection from Autocracy: The Case of North Korea

  2. Xiong, H. and Millington, J., Quantifying Telecouplings through Global Value Chain: An Application in the Biomass Trade

  3. Xiong, H. wNetwork: An R Package for the Measure of Topological Characteristics of Networks

  4. Xiong, H., Huber, R. and Finger, R., A generic agent-based approach for injecting diverse human behavioural in agricultural systems

  5. Xiong, H. and Bobashev, G., Hypothesis testing with simulations


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,视频化推广对数字农业技术采用的影响机制研究:基于知识约束的视角(72173050),2022-2025,主持

  2. 内蒙古自治区科技重大专项,“玉米智慧生产模式创新与无人农场示范”项目课题“玉米生长调控的定量模型及决策支持系统”,2021-2024,主持

  3. 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目,互联网社交媒体视角下的农业技术扩散路径与机制研究:以“两型农业”技术为例(20YJC790152),2020-2022,主持

  4. 华中农业大学新进高层次人才科研启动费项目,农业系统建模及其应用(108/11041910125),2019-2023,主持

  5. 华中农业大学自主科技创新基金宏观农业研究专项,基于时序遥感数据的农业技术扩散发生机制研究(2662019YJ002),2019-2020,主持

  6. 国家自然科学基金,有限知识视角下农户技术采纳决策的动态仿真与实证研究(71863006),2019-2022,参与

  7. Swiss National Science Foundation, Reconciling innovative farming practices and networks to enable sustainable development of smart Swiss farming systems (InnoFarm), 2018-2021,子课题负责

  8. Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture, Agricultural policies in the era of digitalization (DigitAP), 2018-2020,参与

  9. 国家自然科学基金,灌溉中合作行为的触发因素及演化机制(71303198),2014-2017,参与

  10. 国家社会科学基金,基于均衡要素视角的农业适度规模经营,2014-2017,参与


2021.08  2021年中国农林经济管理学术年会,线上

2021.06  Inverse Generative Social Science (IGSS ) Workshop 2021, online

2021.06  IAMO Forum 2021, online

2021.01  第三届全国计算社会科学高端论坛,线上

2020.11  第十九届中国作物学会学术年会,武汉

2020.06  China Session IAMO (Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies) Forum 2020, online

2018.08  Social Simulation Conference 2018, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.

2017.09  Social Simulation Conference 2017, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.

2016.09  Social Simulation Conference 2016, Rome University, Rome, Italy.

2015.06  8th Annual International Network of Analytical Sociologists Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA.

2014.10  10th Conference on Complex Network, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China.

2014.09  Chinese Economic Association in Europe, Annual Conference, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.

2013.05  International Forum on Studies of Rural Areas and Peasants I, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.

2012.08  9th Irish Society of New Economists Conference, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.


2021.07  2021华中农业大学-帝国理工大学“计算社会科学方法论”暑期学校,线上

2021.05  2021智慧农业产学研生态峰会“智慧农业决策”专题论坛,武汉

2021.05  2021第一届智慧农业创意大赛,武汉

2020.08  International Symposium on Social Simulation 2020, online

2020.07  2020华中农业大学-帝国理工大学“计算社会科学方法论”暑期学校,线上

2019.07  2019华中农业大学-帝国理工大学“计算社会科学方法论”暑期学校,武汉

2018.06  Program committee member, International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environment Sensing, Cambridge, UK.

2017.01  Organisation team member, International Exploratory Workshop on Agricultural Agent-based Modelling Approaches, Zurich, Switzerland.


1. Xiong, H., 2018, A Mixed-Methods Study with Network Data and Adoption Data: Effects of Social Networks on the Diffusion of Innovations, SAGE Research Methods Cases.

2. 李尚勇,熊航,经营农业合作社的决定因素,中国农村合作社,2014(11).

3. 李尚勇,熊航,实现农业合作社综合生态农业的关键,中国农村合作社,2015(4).


2020  入选湖北省人才计划

2019  入选武汉市人才计划

2016  获得欧洲社会仿真学会2016年度杰出学位论文奖

2014  获得爱尔兰都柏林大学研究生科研与创新奖




European Social Simulation Association (ESSA)

American Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA)

Chinese Economic Association in Europe (CEA Europe)


期刊 JASSS(Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation)编委

期刊 RofASSS(Review of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation)编委

期刊 Frontiers in Blockchain编委,其专刊Blockchain in Food and Agriculture主编

期刊/会议审稿人:Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Land Use Policy, Applied Geography, Nature Food, Journal of Behavior and Experimental Economics, Climate Change, Journal of Land Use Science, European Journal of Agronomy, Agricultural Water Management, Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Social Simulation Conference 2017





