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新闻活动MARI News
[seminar]MARI开展2024-2025学年第... ​11月1日下午,华中农业大学经济管理学院硕士研究生王雨婷在Seminar上作了题为“新质生产力驱动农业绿色发展——基于农业绿色全要素生产率的视角”的报告。王雨婷同学先简要介绍了新质生产力与农业绿色发展的研究背景,接着对前人文献进行总结,从中构建了新质生产力的评价指标体系。在实证分析环节,王雨婷同学运用了空间计量模型分析了新质生产力的溢出效应,此外,她根据经济发展水平将全国三十个省份分为四大区域,在研究...
科研进展 Research Updates
Monitoring intra-annual and inter... The technology of canopy plastic mulching has been widely used in citrus orchards for protecting fruit trees from cold damage. Understanding the spatio-temporal dynamics of plastic-mulched citrus (PMC) is of great importance for precision management of citrus orchards. However, monitoring the long-term and large-area PMC dynamics is challenging because the PMC is typically distributed in cloudy...
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