- Comparison of UAV-based LiDAR and digital aerial photogrammetry for measuring crown-level canopy height in the urban environment 2022-04-15 Spatial information on urban forest canopy height (FCH) is fundamental for urban forest monitoring and assisting urban planning and management. Traditionally, ground-based canopy height measurements are time-consuming and laborious, making it challenging for periodic inventory of urban FCH at crown level. Airborne-light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensor can efficiently measure crown-level FC...
- Landsat-based monitoring of southern pine beetle infestation severity and severity change in a temperate mixed forest2022-04-10
- Monthly mapping of forest harvesting using dense time series Sentinel-1 SAR imagery and deep learning2022-04-02
- Regression Discontinuity Method and Its Application2022-03-31
- A Graph-based Approach for Integrating Biological Heterogeneous Data Based on Connecting Ontology2021-12-09
- An Object- and Topology-Based Analysis (OTBA) Method for Mapping Rice-Crayfish Fields in South China2021-11-19
- Sequenced Crop Evapotranspiration and Water Requirement in Developing a Multitrigger Rainfall Index Insurance and Risk-Contingent Credit2021-11-17
- ASMaaS: Automatic Semantic Modeling as a Service2021-11-15
- Validation of Sentinel-2, MODIS, CGLS, SAF, GLASS and C3S Leaf Area Index Products in Maize Crops2021-11-11
- Comparing rice production systems in China: Economic output and carbon footprint2021-10-15
- Retrieval of rapeseed leaf area index using the PROSAIL model with canopy coverage derived from UAV images as a correction parameter2021-10-15
- Heat shocks, maize yields, and child height in Tanzania2021-09-20
- 地球大数据支撑粮食可持续生产:实践与展望2021-08-05
- Combining UAV-RGB high-throughput field phenotyping and genome-wide association study to reveal genetic variation of rice germplasms in dynamic response to drought stress2021-06-24
- Bridging behavioural factors and standard bio-economic modelling in an agent-based modelling framework2021-06-21
- Crop height estimation based on UAV images: Methods, errors, and strategies2021-06-15
- 基于农户经济和环境"双优"目标的粮食主产区化肥施用优化模拟分析——以邯郸地区小麦生产为例2021-06-10
- Integrating coarse-resolution images and agricultural statistics to generate sub-pixel crop type maps and reconciled area estimates2021-06-01
- 创新扩散中的同伴效应:基于农业新品种采纳的案例分析2021-05-05
- 无人机多角度成像方式的饲料油菜生物量估算研究2021-04-21