On December 15th, the 2024 Annual Meeting of Wuhan Computer Software Engineering Society was held at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, with more than 200 experts and scholars from multiple universities, research institutes, and enterprises attending the meeting. Associate Professor Feng Zaiwen from our university was awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award of the Wuhan Computer Software Engineering Society in 2024 (awarded to only one person), and student Hu Junwei was awarded the Outstanding Master's Student Award of the Society in 2024.
In recent years, Associate Professor Feng Zaiwen and his intelligent software engineering team have been dedicated to the research of knowledge engineering related fields based on active meta learning and its application in the field of agricultural bioinformatics. The agricultural cognitive intelligent service framework based on active meta learning fully reflects the environmental coupling cycle relationship between software agents and software stakeholders, which can effectively solve the pain points of difficult agricultural knowledge extraction and weak software adaptability in low resource and small sample scenarios in current agricultural knowledge decision-making systems.
It is reported that the Wuhan Computer Software Engineering Society was founded in 1985 and is a first level society under the Wuhan Association for Science and Technology. It is the largest academic group in computer software engineering in Central China.
Software stakeholders refer to various stakeholders involved in the software development process, each with different roles and requirements, who have a direct or indirect impact on the development, implementation, and maintenance of the software.
Reprinted from: https://coi.hzau.edu.cn/info/1012/13653.htm