
华中农业大学(Huazhong Agricultural University),校园位于湖北省武汉市主城区,坐拥狮子山,三面环湖,拥有5平方公里山水校园,9公里浪漫湖岸线,10公里“林中路”,6.6公里湖光绿道,景面文心、情境交融的校园风貌引人入胜。2000年,由农业部划转教育部直属领导。2005年,进入国家“211工程”建设行列。2017年,列入国家“双一流”建设行列。首轮“双一流”成效评价,学校整体建设9项评价指标中,7项指标为第一档。生物学、园艺学、畜牧学、兽医学、农林经济管理5个学科再次滚动入选第二轮国家“双一流”建设学科。
宏观农业研究院(Macro Agriculture Research Institute,MARI)是华中农业大学与国际食物政策研究所(IFPRI)共同建立的一所国际化跨学科研究机构,立志建设成为水平一流、具有国际影响力的高端学术平台以及特色鲜明、视野宽广的新型农业智库。MARI由华中农业大学经济管理学院、植物科学技术学院、资源与环境学院、信息学院、公共管理学院、动科-动医学院共同建设。MARI网址:https://mari.hzau.edu.cn
帝国理工大学(Imperial College London)是一所主攻理学、工学、医学和商学的世界顶尖公立研究型大学,是英国常春藤联盟罗素大学集团成员,又与剑桥大学、牛津大学、伦敦大学学院、伦敦政治经济学院并称为“G5超级精英大学”。在国际学术界有顶级声望,是世界最具创新性的大学之一,在各类权威榜单中排名稳居世界前十。帝国理工大学城市系统实验室(Urban Systems Lab)主要通过计算机仿真模型模拟城市系统和研究城市的可持续发展,并推动计算机仿真在社会科学中运用的方法论研究和方法普及。
Computational Social Science (CSS) is an emerging interdisciplinary field that deeply applies computer technology to social science. It provides powerful tools for analyzing complex problems such as interactions among heterogeneous individuals, the micro-level basis of macro phenomena, and multi-objective decision optimization mechanisms. The ASSA Summer School on Methodology of Computational Social Science will be held at Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU) in Wuhan, China from August 19 to August 23, 2024. During this one-week program, participants will learn about the research process, methods, and tools through lectures, practical tutorials, and engaging discussions.
Since 2019, the Macro Agricultural Research Institute at HZAU has collaborated with institutions such as Imperial College London, RTI International (USA), and IAMO (Germany) to offer training in computational social science methodology. More than 400 young teachers and students from over 70 research institutions in China and abroad have participated in these training sessions. This year’s Summer School invites renowned experts in computational social science to provide zero-to-advanced training in social simulation modeling theory, methods, and applications.
The course content includes, but is not limited to:
1. Simulation Modelling Paradigms in Social Science Research
2. Principles and Methods of Agent-Based Modelling
3. Decision-Making Mechanisms in Agent-Based Simulation Models
4. Application of the HUMAT Theoretical Framework
5. NetLogo and AI-Interactive Platform for Simulation Modelling
6. Describing Simulation Models Using the ODD Protocol
7. Parameter Estimation and Sensitivity Analysis for Simulation Models
8. Integration of GIS and Computer Simulation Modelling
9. Public Policy Evaluation Based on Micro-Behavior Simulation
10. Applications of Typical Individual Decision-making Simulation Models
The course will be led by an experienced team of researchers:
Koen H. van DamResearcher at the Faculty of Engineering and the Urban Systems Laboratory at Imperial College London. He has developed numerous computer simulation models of socio-technical systems and complex urban systems. His research spans topics such as sustainable urban design, smart cities, distributed energy technologies, and social-technical interactions, along with relevant policy analyses.
Wander Jager Associate Professor and Managing Director of the Groningen Center for Social Complexity Studies, and the former president of European Social Simulation Association (ESSA). His research and teaching focus on how interactions between people give rise to the emergence of collective behavior. Wander investigates the spread of new technologies, opinion dynamics, polarization, and societal transitions toward sustainability. He is particularly passionate about the methodology of social simulation, where researchers create computer simulations to model large populations.
Zhanli (Jerry) Sun Senior Researcher and Head of the China Research Group at the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) in Germany. He is proficient in analytical and simulation tools such as cellular automata, ABM, system dynamics, Bayesian networks, and spatial statistics. He has published over 50 papers in international journals including Nature, Global Environmental Change, and Environmental Modelling & Software. With over 10 years of ABM teaching experience, he has provided training for EU think tanks and other relevant institutions.
Hang Xiong Professor at the College of Economics and Management and Deputy Dean of Macro Agriculture Research Institute, Huazhong Agricultural University. He currently serves as the president of Asian Social Simulation Association (ASSA) and as an editorial board member for the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS). With expertise in applying computer simulation and complex network analysis to research in agricultural economics, social interactions, ecological environments, and policy analysis, his doctoral thesis received the Outstanding Paper Award from the European Social Simulation Association.
● Training Dates: August 19-23, 2024.
● Training Format: On-site.
● Location: Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China
● Enrollment Targets: The summer school is open to teachers and students worldwide who are interested in using computational simulation methods for academic research (not limited to the field of social science).
● Organizers:
College of Economics and Management, Huazhong Agricultural University
Asian Social Simulation Association (ASSA)
Macro Agriculture Research Institute, Huazhong Agricultural University
Urban Systems Laboratory, Imperial College London
Agricultural Modeling and Simulation Committee, China Simulation Federation.
● Training Fees
Students participating in the study are required to pay training fees. After approval and filing by the financial department, the training fee standards are 800 RMB per student and 3000 RMB per teacher.
● Registration
Before June 16, 2024, visit the website https://www.wjx.cn/vm/OKqlUFY.aspx# or scan the QR code below to register. We solemnly promise that the information and materials provided by registrants will be used only for this summer school session, and personal information will be strictly confidential.

● Admission Feedback
This summer school plans to admit 100 students. Admission results will be announced on June 30, 2024.
● Contact Information
Phone: 027-87285015
Email: ComSocSci@outlook.com