- 创新数字时代的经济学研究 2023-04-28 数字技术推动生产方式和生活方式的深刻变革,数字经济已经成为经济发展的新引擎,正引领经济发展进入新时代。数字经济实践的蓬勃发展为中国特色经济学研究注入了新的活力,也提出了新的需求。信息技术和大数据在经济中的深入应用加快经济学研究范式的转换和经济学研究方法的创新。新的研究方法的运用要以更好地解析中国经济现象、回答中国经济问题和论证中国经济主张为目标,不断夯实构建中国特色经济学三大体系的理论根基。...
- Improved Yield Prediction of Ratoon Rice Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Multi-Temporal Feature Method2023-04-28
- Improved weed mapping in corn fields by combining UAV-based spectral, textural, structural, and thermal measurements2023-04-15
- Combining multiple spectral enhancement features for improving spectroscopic asymptomatic detection and symptomatic severity classification of southern corn leaf blight2023-04-11
- Learning spectral-spatial representations from VHR images for fine-scale crop type mapping: A case study of rice-crayfish field extraction in South China2023-04-11
- Monitoring Indicators of Economic Activities in Sudan Amidst Ongoing Conflict Using Satellite Data2023-03-29
- 耕地位移、占补平衡和粮食运输碳排放2023-03-08
- Increased food-miles and transport emissions2023-03-08
- Mapping Diverse Paddy Rice Cropping Patterns in South China Using Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 Data2023-03-07
- Heat shocks, maize yields, and child height in Tanzania2022-11-18
- Sequenced Crop Evapotranspiration and Water Requirement in Developing a Multitrigger Rainfall Index Insurance and Risk-Contingent Credit2022-11-18
- Mapping global cropping system: Challenges, opportunities, and future perspectives2022-11-18
- Inauguration of a new journal with focus on sustainable intensification of crop production: Crop and Environment2022-11-18
- Research priorities for global food security under extreme events2022-11-18
- Transformative adaptation and implications for transdisciplinary climate change research.2022-11-18
- 房价上涨如何影响流动人口家庭储蓄率 2022-10-21
- Characterizing the provision and inequality of primary school greenspaces in China’s major cities based on multi-sensor remote sensing2022-09-26
- An Improved Approach to Estimate Ratoon Rice Aboveground Biomass by Integrating UAV-based Spectral, Textural and Structural Features2022-09-12