- 基于多源国产高分卫星时空信息的米级分辨率耕地提取 2022-08-20 及时准确地获取耕地空间分布数据对于农业生产管理、产量估算、种植结构调整等具有重要意义。目前的耕地提取多基于多时相中低分辨率影像或单时相高分辨率影像,难以满足耕地破碎,农作物种植模式复杂的区域精度需求。基于此,本研究通过协同国产高分一号(GF-1)、高分二号(GF-2)和高分六号(GF-6)卫星影像,探索米级分辨率尺度下的耕地高精度提取方法。该方法以深度神经网络UNet为基础,通过协同GF-1/6的多时相优势和GF-2影...
- 基于Sentinel-1/2数据的中国南方单双季稻识别结果一致性分析2022-08-10
- Panicle Ratio Network: streamlining rice panicle measurement by deep learning with ultra-high-definition aerial images in the field 2022-07-27
- The effect of information literacy heterogeneity on epidemic spreading in information and epidemic coupled multiplex networks2022-07-10
- 计算经济学的学科属性、研究方法体系与典型研究领域2022-05-05
- 时序滤波对农作物遥感识别的影响2022-04-27
- Assessing Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 spectral-temporal features for mapping tree species of northern plantation forests in Heilongjiang Province, China2022-04-20
- Comparison of UAV-based LiDAR and digital aerial photogrammetry for measuring crown-level canopy height in the urban environment2022-04-15
- Landsat-based monitoring of southern pine beetle infestation severity and severity change in a temperate mixed forest2022-04-10
- Monthly mapping of forest harvesting using dense time series Sentinel-1 SAR imagery and deep learning2022-04-02
- 断点回归方法及其应用2022-03-31
- A Graph-based Approach for Integrating Biological Heterogeneous Data Based on Connecting Ontology2021-12-09
- An Object- and Topology-Based Analysis (OTBA) Method for Mapping Rice-Crayfish Fields in South China2021-11-19
- Sequenced Crop Evapotranspiration and Water Requirement in Developing a Multitrigger Rainfall Index Insurance and Risk-Contingent Credit2021-11-17
- ASMaaS: Automatic Semantic Modeling as a Service2021-11-15
- Validation of Sentinel-2, MODIS, CGLS, SAF, GLASS and C3S Leaf Area Index Products in Maize Crops2021-11-11
- Comparing rice production systems in China: Economic output and carbon footprint2021-10-15
- Retrieval of rapeseed leaf area index using the PROSAIL model with canopy coverage derived from UAV images as a correction parameter2021-10-15