On October 20-22, 2023, China Agricultural Economic Review (CAER, IF=4.265), together with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Nanjing Agricultural University (NAU), co-hosted the "15th CAER-IFPRI International Academic Conference" in Nanjing, China. The theme of the conference was "Transforming Agrifood Systems in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities". The conference featured presentations on farmer behavior and agricultural policy simulation, organized and chaired by Prof. Xiong Hang, President of ASSA and Professor of Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU), with presentations and comments from ASSA Vice-President Dr. Zhanli (Jerry) Sun, ASSA Vice-Secretary-General Associate Professor Zhu Yueji, and ASSA member Dr. Shang Linmei.

Simulation special report moderator: Professor Xiong Hang

Report Site
Wu Enzhe, a master's student from HZAU, reported the team's latest research results "An agent-based approach to integrated assessment of agricultural carbon reduction policies ". The study reveals the role of low-carbon agricultural technology subsidy policies and carbon trading market mechanisms in promoting carbon reduction in the plantation industry.
Researcher Zhanli (Jerry) Sun from the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), Germany, reported on his research with his doctoral student Zhang Hua, "Agent-based modeling of small farmers' adoption of digitalization: Theoretical framework, model, and methodology". technology: Theoretical framework, modeling guideline, and empirical application". The article constructed an agent-based model of small farmers' adoption of digitalization technology and applied the model to the central China region.
Guo Jiayuan, a master's student from Hainan University, reported the team's latest research progress "Impacts of labor migration on agricultural technology diffusion among small-scale farmers: A perspective of dynamic social networks". He analyzed the impacts of labor migration on agricultural technology diffusion among small-scale farmers: A perspective of dynamic social networks.
Researcher Franziska Appel from Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), Germany, presented a study entitled "The adaptation of an agent-based model to simulate farm generational renewal in Europe". The study applies the AgriPoliS Model, one of the first agent-based models to be used in agronomic research, to agricultural policy research on farmer generational renewal in the EU.
Dr. Shang Linmei from the University of Bonn, Germany, gave a presentation entitled "Integrating detailed farm-level model and agent-based model for agri-environmental policy analysis" The study utilized neural networks as agent models to connect FarmDyn and AgriPoliS, thus combining the advantages of both models and providing a tool for agri-environmental policy analysis.
Written by Waner Ma