语言: English
Hao Jinghui Dr. 郝晶辉副教授
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2013-2018 Ph.D. in Candidate, Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group, Wageningen University & Research

2010-2013 M.A. in Regional Economics, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China

2006-2010 B.A. in International Economics and Trade, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China

Fields of Interests


Value chain research

Farm household economics and rural development

Rural labor migration

Regional economics

Published Papers

1. Hao, J., Bijman, J., Gardebroek, C., Heijman, W., Heerink, N., and Huo, X. (2017) “Cooperative membership and farmers’ choice of marketing channels - Evidence from apple farmers in Shaanxi and Shandong Provinces, China”, Food Policy, 2018 (74), pp. 53-64. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2017.11.004

2. Hao, J. and Xia, X. “Measurement and analysis of coordinated development of industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization in Shaanxi Province”, Journal of Hubei Agricultural Science, 2013 (10), pp. 2452-2457. (in Chinese)

3. Xia, X. and Hao, J. “Empirical Research on the relationships among industrialization urbanization and agro-modernization in Shaanxi Province, China. Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University, 2013(1), pp. 19-24. (in Chinese)

4. Xia, X., Zhang, H., and Hao, J. “Factors Influencing Occupational Transition of New-generation Migrant Workers in Northwest China”, Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University, 2011(6), pp. 60-65. (in Chinese)

Papers under Review

1. Hao, J., Bijman, J., Heijman, W., and Heerink, N. “Development and characteristics of farmers’ cooperatives in China - A comparison with cooperatives in Europe”, under review.

2. Hao, J., Heerink, N., Bijman, J., and Heijman, W. “Cooperative membership and smallholders’ yields and profits - Evidence from apple farmers in China”, under review.

3. Hao, J., Xia, X., and Heijman, W. “Interactive relationships between industrialization, urbanization and agro-modernization - A case from Shaanxi Province in China” , under review.

Papers in Progress

1. Hao, J., Bijman, J., Heijman, W., and Heerink, N. “Cooperative member participation in the decision-making, trust and member commitment”.

2. Hao, J., Yang, X., Heerink, N., Bijman, J., and Heijman, W. “Cooperative membership and farmers’ fertilizer application – A case from apple farmers in China”.

Presented Conferences

Aug. 2018 30th International Conference of Agricultural Economics, Vancouver, Canada. Presented Paper titled “Cooperative member participation in the decision-making, trust and member commitment”.

Aug. 2017 XV EAAE Congress, Parma, Italy. Presented the paper titled “Cooperative membership and smallholders’ yields and profits - Evidence from apple farmers in China”.

Oct. 2016 The 8th CAER-IFPRI Annual Conference, Fuzhou, China. Presented the paper titled  “Cooperative membership and farmers’ choice of marketing channels - Evidence from apple farmers in Shaanxi and Shandong Provinces, China”.

Aug. 2014 XIV EAAE Congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Oct. 2014 The 6th CAER-IFPRI Annual Conference, Yangling, China.

Professional Experiences

Oct. 2017 “Food value chain research: Understanding inter-organizational relationships”, Ph.D autumn school, Wageningen, Netherlands.

Aug. 2014 “Empirical applications of economic organization and institutions in agri-food value chains”, Ph.D summer school, Koper, Slovenia.

Oct. 2013-present Participated in the Joint Scientific Thematic Research Programme (JSTP) “Organizing small high value-added food producers in China: Cooperation, trust, and rural development” (JSTP833.13.003)

Jun. 2011-Oct. 2012 Applied for and participated in the program of “Research on the mechanism, mode and method of the development of small towns against the background of the overall urban-rural development”(Grants for social science from the Ministry of Education, China-10XJCZH010)

Sep. 2011-Jul. 2013 Applied for and participated in the program of “Research on the coordination mechanism between industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization in Shaanxi Province” (Granted by Shaanxi Provincial Government - 2012KRM80)


Oct. 2013-Sep. 2017 China Scholarship Council (CSC)

Language Skills & Economic Software 

English: Good

Chinese: Native

Dutch and French: Elementary

Economic software: Stata, Eviews, Spass

Personal Hobbies

Sports, cooking and baking