- 创新扩散中的同伴效应:基于农业新品种采纳的案例分析 2021-05-05 创新扩散过程中普遍存在着基于社会网络关系的同伴效应。在明确界定同伴效应的基础上,提出了一个分析创新扩散中不同形式同伴效应的一般性理论框架,将同伴效应分解为信息效应、经验效应和外部性效应,并将其用于研究一个农业新品种在10个自然村持续10年的创新扩散过程,深入解析三种同伴效应及其对农业新品种扩散的影响。分析发现:三种同伴效应分别在整个创新扩散过程的早期、中期和后期主导创新的扩散,且各自经由不同类型的社会...
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- Integrating coarse-resolution images and agricultural statistics to generate sub-pixel crop type maps and reconciled area estimates2021-03-13
- 近地遥感技术在大田作物株高测量中的研究现状与展望2021-03-10
- 农户技术采纳行为的影响因素:基于2000—2019年典型实证研究的元分析2020-12-28
- A Schema-Driven Synthetic Knowledge Graph Generation Approach with Extended Graph Differential Dependencies (GDDxs)2020-12-22
- Rail accidents and property values in the era of unconventional energy production2020-11-02
- Mapping Ratoon Rice Planting Area in Central China Using Sentinel-2 Time Stacks and the Phenology-Based Algorithm2020-10-17
- 区块链如何促进数据要素的价值实现:以食品供应链为例2020-09-28
- South-to-North Water Diversion stabilizing Beijing's groundwater levels2020-07-22
- The role of climate in the trend and variability of Ethiopia's cereal crop yields2020-06-26
- Rapeseed Stand Count Estimation at Leaf Development Stages With UAV Imagery and Convolutional Neural Networks2020-06-11
- Rapeseed Stand Count Estimation at Leaf Development Stages With UAV Imagery and Convolutional Neural Networks2020-06-11
- Simple Analysis of Split Award Auctions2020-05-30
- Within-Season Producer Response to Warmer Temperatures: Defensive Investments by Kenyan Farmers2020-05-26
- Improving potential of nitrogen linked gray water footprint in China's intensive cropping systems2020-05-20
- Segmenting Purple Rapeseed Leaves in the Field from UAV RGB Imagery Using Deep Learning as an Auxiliary Means for Nitrogen Stress Detection2020-04-30
- Evaluation of a UAV-mounted consumer grade camera with different spectral modifications and two handheld spectral sensors for rapeseed growth monitoring: performance and influencing factors2020-04-12